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  Breast Augmentation

What is breast augmentation?

Increase your breast size

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is done to increase the size of the breasts. It is a surgical procedure that involves the placement of breast implants under the chest muscles or breast tissue.

Most patients consider breast augmentation to enhance the appearance of their breasts as well as improve their self-confidence. That’s why more and more people are seeking breast enhancement in Ogden. Others consider breast augmentation for aesthetic purposes in the case of breast cancer or any other health conditions involving the breast.

Why is breast augmentation done?

Breast augmentation may be done in order to:

  • Enlarge naturally small breasts
  • Restore the size and shape of the breasts after having been deformed by pregnancy and breastfeeding or weight loss
  • Restore the symmetry of the breasts
  • Restore the breast or both breasts after breast cancer treatments or any other condition affecting the shape and size of the breasts

What are the type of breast implants used?

A medical prosthesis, called a breast implant, is placed inside one’s breast to reconstruct or enlarge it. The breast implant consists of a silicone outer layer while its inside is filled with either saline (saltwater) solution or silicone gel. Other alternative substances may also be used.

There are three types of breast implants mainly used today.

  1. Saline implants. These breast implants are filled with sterile saline solution held by an elastomer silicone shell. The shells can be filled with various amounts of the solution, depending on the preferred size, shape, or firmness of the breast. In case a leakage occurs, the solution is either absorbed or expelled by the body.
  2. Silicone implants. Also held by an elastomer silicone shell, these silicone implants consists of a viscous silicone gel. If the implant leaks, the gel stays in the shell. Otherwise, it can escape into the implant pocket of the breast. The implant may not collapse during a leakage. Patients who prefer this type of implant need more regular check-ups with their doctor than those who have chosen saline implants. The condition of these silicone implants has to be determined through an ultrasound or MRI scan.

What risks are associated with breast augmentation?

A breast augmentation may pose different risks, such as:

  • Infection
  • Breast pain
  • Capsular contracture, a scar tissue distorting the shape of the breast implant
  • Temporary changes in sensation of the nipples and breasts
  • Leakage or rupture of the implants

In case of complications, they can be corrected using additional surgery, may it be removing or replacing breast implants.

How do I prepare for breast augmentation?

Before deciding to undergo a breast augmentation, you have to find a qualified surgeon, just like Dr. Randall Barnett at the Alpine Plastic Surgery Clinic in Salt Lake City, UT to learn more about the procedure.During your initial consultation with Dr. Randall Barnett, your preferences about size, feel, and total appearance of the breasts will be discussed. You will also be made aware of the different types of breast implants available.

Furthermore, you have to take note of the following important reminders:

  • Your breasts may still sag after treatment. To correct your sagging breasts, you may have to undergo a breast lift.
  • Breast implants do not pose lifetime results. Moreover, there is a possibility for implant rupture. Since the aging effects on the breast cannot be stopped, the appearance of your breasts will still change over time. When this happens, you may choose to undergo additional surgery.
  • Undergoing mammograms may turn out to be more complicated. Because of the implants on your breasts, mammograms may already require additional and specific instructions.
  • Breast implants could affect breast-feeding. Other breast augmentation patients may successfully breastfeed after treatment, but others may find it difficult.

It is necessary to ask your doctor about other important reminders before giving breast augmentation a go.

What can I expect during the breast augmentation procedure?

You can choose whether to be under local or general anesthesia during the procedure, but most cases are done under general anesthesia.

The procedure starts by making an incision either on the crease under the breast, the armpit, or around the nipple. The type of incision depends on which one is suitable for you and the outcome you desire.

After the incision is made, the breast implant is then inserted into the pocket made. It can be placed using either of the two methods: submuscular or under the pectoral muscle, or submammary or over the pectoral muscle and behind the breast tissue. After which, the incisions are closed.

What results can I expect after breast augmentation?

It is important to keep realistic expectations regarding the procedure. After the treatment, the size and shape of your breasts may significantly improve. However, you might be disappointed if you are looking for the perfect outcome.

What post-surgery care instructions will be given to me?

Your doctor will prescribe you with pain medications to ease the pain after the anesthesia wears off. He may also advise you to have someone drive you home after the procedure and stay with you throughout the night.For the next six weeks, avoid physical activities that can strain you. However, it is still advised to flex and move the arms so as to relieve the discomfort after the procedure.Your surgeon may recommend a support bra and instruct you when to wear it. A follow-up appointment is also needed if your surgeon has not used dissolvable sutures or has placed drainage tubes in the treated area.

Request a Consultation

Before considering breast augmentation, make sure you’re sufficiently informed of the risks and side effects involved in the procedure. Alpine Plastic Surgery performs breast enhancement in Ogden, and can provide all the information you need. If you’re looking for a trusted surgeon in Utah, consult Alpine Plastic Surgery today. Contact us at (801) 689-3500 to schedule your consultation. You can also read more about breast enhancement and Alpine Plastic Surgery’s other offered services on our blog!