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   Breast Augmentation With Lift

What is breast augmentation with lift?

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A breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is done to increase breast size. The procedure involves placing an implant under the tissues of the breast or under the muscles of the breast. This implant consists of either saline (saltwater) solution or silicone gel housed inside a soft silicone shell.

A breast lift, also called as a mastopexy, may also be done alongside a breast augmentation surgery. The purpose of a breast lift is to raise the breasts, preventing them from drooping and sagging. The procedure also elevates the areola and the nipple.

How is a breast augmentation with lift done?

Breast augmentation with lift can be done by Dr. Randall Barnett at the Alpine Plastic Surgery Clinic in Salt Lake City, UT. During breast augmentation, Dr. Barnett creates an incision at the breast’s bottom crease along the areola’s lower edge. The implant is then inserted into the incision and is placed under the chest muscle or breast tissue. Some doctors may place the implant beneath the muscle of the chest to lower the risk for capsular contracture – a condition where the tissue surrounding the implant hardens. This location also affects mammography much less than when the silicone implant is placed in front of the muscle.

Meanwhile, the “lifting” process is done by removing excess skin located at the bottom of the breast as well as the area around the areola. After which, the remaining skin is stitched together to tighten and raise the breast. A breast augmentation with lift could have larger incisions than breast augmentation alone.

What else should I know about breast augmentation with lift?

  • A breast augmentation with lift can increase the size of your breast by one or more cup size. The procedure can also rule out differences of your breasts’ size and shape.
  • It is important to take note that getting a breast augmentation will not prevent your breasts from sagging in the future if you gain or lose weight or get pregnant. The aging process can also cause your breasts to sag

Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation with lift?

You may obtain positive results from the surgery if you:

  • Have maintained a stable weight over time and are physically healthy
  • Are bothered by saggy, misshapen breasts
  • Have noticed that your breasts are pendulous, elongated, and appear flatter
  • Have nipples and areolas that point downward
  • Have nipples that fall below the crease of the breast, especially when unsupported with brassiere
  • Have a breast that is lower than the other
  • Have stretched skin on the breasts and enlarged areolas
  • Do not smoke

What preparations should I make before breast augmentation with lift?

Before undergoing a breast augmentation with lift, your doctor may ask you to:

  • Undergo lab tests or medical evaluation
  • Adjust current medications or take new ones
  • Undergo mammogram before and after surgery to detect any unusual changes
  • Stop smoking as it could affect the healing process later on
  • Avoid taking medications, such as aspirin, herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs, as these can increase bleeding during the procedure

What can I expect during a breast augmentation with lift procedure?

Breast augmentation with lift is usually done in an outpatient basis or in a doctor’s office. Typically, general anesthesia is used during the procedure.

What can I expect after breast augmentation with lift?

Immediately after the procedure, gauze is applied and taped over the stitches while your breasts are bandaged or supported with a special bra. After 7 to 10 days, your stitches may be removed.

Most patients usually experience some bruising, swelling, and soreness in the breasts for several days after breast augmentation with lift. These side effects can last up to several weeks. However, your doctor may prescribe you with medicines to help alleviate the pain. You may also be advised to wear supportive bra to help reduce swelling and to provide support to the breasts as they heal. You may be required to wear this 24 hours a day.

Scars can be expected after surgery as well. However, your surgeon usually places your incisions in well-concealed areas to make the scars less visible. Although there may be scarring, it eventually fades over time. In the case of breast augmentation with lift, the scars are more likely larger and more visible since the procedure requires larger incisions.

What are the risks associated with breast augmentation with lift?

Breast implants may make it harder to detect breast cancer detection through a mammogram. Other risks include:

  • Capsular contracture
  • Nerve damage, leading to loss of sensation in the breast tissues or the nipple
  • Difference in the shape and size of the breasts
  • Implant changes, such as leakage or rupture, caused by injury or normal activity. Over time, the implants could also shift in position, develop ripples, harden, or change in shape. If this happens, another breast surgery may be needed.
  • Infection
  • Accumulation of blood under the skin
  • Abnormal scarring
  • Anesthesia-related risks
  • Poor wound healing
  • Fluid collection
  • Deep vein thrombosis and other cardiac or pulmonary conditions

If you’re looking for a trusted plastic surgeon in Ogden and the surrounding areas, consult Alpine Plastic Surgery today. Contact us at (801) 689-3500 to schedule your consultation. You can also read more about breast augmentations with lifts and Alpine Plastic Surgery’s other offered services on our blog!